"JEE OFFICE"  a project office for ecological, ethical and aesthetical design was established  2008 to face the demands for ecologically and ethically sustainble practises within production and consuming. JEE OFFICE continued my consumer critical design work.   The office creted public manifestations and offered new solutions for customers with  interior design and spaciall management demands.  The aim was to race ecological and ethical awareness  towards the Hesinki World Design Capital Year 2012. 

"ARE U AS NICE AS U LOOK?" Modernism in architecture and design was a strongly a socialist movement to provide housing and everyday aestehetics for all. With the help of industrialization  and new production technigues designers  dreamed of equal wellfare. New functional aestehics occured for objects, houses and cities. Since then the marketing mechanisms and profithunters copied  the aestehtic, but forgot the ideas behind.  The poor get the unfunctional  and the rich the overprized version. Everybody including our environment looses.  The act of giving a  businesscard was a performance  from 2003 crtisizing all superficial marketing practices.
"ROSEGARDEN OF BARONNESS ELSA"  refers to the work and life of the artist Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (1874-1927) The Baroness  worked on assemblage sculptures and paintings, creating art out of the rubbish and refuse she collected from the streets. The Baroness was also known to construct elaborate costumes from found objects. This makes her the first known artist using recycling and the idea of  'ready made' in her art practise. 
The public art work "ROSEGARDEN OF BARONNESS ELSA" for Kujala waste station in Lahti propoced to look at waste as Elsa did, with creative open eyes. The communal waste center  got a pink glass fence that both protected the precious waste and let the visitors take a look at it  with new color. The fence was planned to create a spatial painting that would appear in the minds of visitors moving closer/leaving to the area with their vans and lorries. The artwork would addapt to the entrance roadturns and to the rhytm of the yards and  buildings.The proposal  won a place among the finalist 2017.

"GARAGE REPAIR-ED"  was a performance and exhibition consept proposal created for The Finnish Pavilion at Venice Biennale 2017. The Pavillion building would turn into a garage where evrything would be repaired according to the philosophy of kintsugi ceramists. Contrary to present  thinking, in GARAGE REPAIRED the  broken objects would be repaired  to become more valuable than ever before. With emphasising, not hiding,  the cracs and breaks with artistic skill and taste, they would become nothing less than objects of art. The garage would have a soundtrack and a performanceteam of skilled garage-stewardesses.Together  with expert members they will serve the customers. Customers, the audience,  could bring their objets for the service for free.
"DISPOSABEL WEDDING GOWN"  was my answer to industrial design and over production offering badly lasting items for customers. I like to name it my one and only work as industrial designer. Isn't wedding dress the only item that you truely need only once? Together with artsit Maria Duncker we decided to show our creations during a  wedding event at Helsinki Kunshalle. The seven brides got  to wear our models at  the "MARRY ME?" -event.  An afternoon with  disposable wedding gowns, a civil cervant for official registeration, 7 couples, hammond player, a wedding photographer and an audience took place in Helsinki in May 2005.
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